Y’all Play Nice and Follow Us on Instagram
“Put your best foot forward.” It was solid advice when your grandma gave it to you. It holds true today. And you know it.
So why all the negativity on social media when someone highlights a big fish in the most desirable light and at the best camera angle to show off its size and beauty?
In a word: Insecurity.
As we at @AnglersChannel have been following our fishing friends on Instagram we’ve noticed some disheartening comments from some, apparently, bitter souls.
Post a pic of a big one and most folks will appreciate your accomplishment, leave words of encouragement, and celebrate with you.
BUT then the armchair bass pros will emerge from their sofas to remark that the fish isn’t that big. You pulled a trick or two to make it look big. In fact, it’s probably a 3-pounder, not a 7. Never mind that many of these know-it-alls haven’t caught even a 3-pounder in a while.
I guess we’re supposed to take our 7-pound bass, run off 50 yards away and snug it up tight to our chest so it looks like a tiny bluegill. That might make some of these wise-crackers feel less insecure about the size of their . . . bass.
Seriously, would you want your wife or girlfriend to go out someplace special with absolutely no makeup? Some are gorgeous enough to do so, but they will always look better with just a touch here or there, the right clothes for their body type, etc.
Your truck probably has a coat of paint on it right? Well, maybe that’s not the best example. But you get my point.
Hold that fish up and out proudly! Make it look as big as you can. It’s more fun for all of us that way – even if we are laughing along with you a little.
Put your best foot forward.
Or in this case, put your best fish forward. And ignore those petty, jealous, miserable souls in the peanut gallery.
And hey, be sure to tag @AnglersChannel in the pic so we can help you show it off. Yes, we’re among those who are happy to see big fish pics so share ‘em with us!