Team Tournament Blog – MLF is HERE – My Pro’s & Con’s

By: Luke Estel

It’s been months of anticipation waiting for the all new Major League Fishing League to start. A new format, new rules, and some of the best anglers in the world competing for the first ever MLF trophy.  I watched most of the entire show on line today and here is what I think.

The Pros

Great on the water coverage. There was a lot of on the water action today and the quality was there.

The commentary was also very good. The hosts were well spoken and they knew what they were talking about.

The constant live update of the actual pounds that each angler had caught so far was good to see.

Everything in real time. It doesn’t get much better than that. Watching the action unfold right in front of your eyes is something that has never been done.

I like it.


The Cons

The coverage was spotty and I do understand cell phone coverage can be bad at times.

Cover more anglers. I am not certain, but I believe I only saw seven or eight anglers fishing.

There were some technical difficulties with the site at times but I am sure that is a part of it when you go live.

I like to listen to the anglers as they are live so it lets the audience know what’s  going on in their mind and or what they are doing to catch them. There was some of that, but not as much as I would have liked to see.

As the season progresses I believe everything about the MLF will get better.

I am anxious to see how the final day of fishing goes this weekend but I give it a B+, possibly an A- for its first run.



Strike King Pro Luke Estel from Carbondale Illinois Fishes the BASS Opens, Is an AnglersChoice Classic Champion and an all around great guy and fisherman as well as accomplished writer.