T-H Marine Continues Sponsorship of ABA
T-H Marine, a leading manufacturer of 1,000s of boat parts and accessories has renewed its sponsorship of the American Bass Anglers. The multi-year agreement will have T-H Marine sponsor and represented at all of the Weekend Bass Series, American Fishing Tour, 100% Plus Team Trail, American Couples Series, The Ray Scott Championship and the Annual Military Team Bass Anglers Tournament.
“T-H Marine has long been a leader in premium and innovative products used daily by both recreational boaters and anglers. While they make 1,000s of boating parts and accessories, most anglers know T-H Marine best for their fish care systems and products, performance products and safety systems. T-H Marine offers special rewards for anglers that use their products through the Atlas Award program. We are proud to have T-H Marine as a partner and for their continued support of the weekend bass angler. ,” said Morris Sheehan, President of American Bass Anglers, Inc.
As part of this sponsorship T-H Marine will be offering a bonus program ̶ Atlas Awards ̶ for anglers who win events and own and use T-H Marine accessories on their boats. Anglers can learn more about the program and sign up at WWW.THMARINE.COM/ATLASAWARDS. T-H Marine will also be sponsoring the Lucky Dog award in the 100% Plus Team trail. The first team out of the money at all 100% Plus Team Trail events will receive the Lucky Dog award a special T-H Marine prize package. To further fish care, T-H Marine will also sponsor weigh bags with mesh inserts at all Weekend Series and 100% Plus Team Trail events.
“We are really excited to continue our partnership with American Bass Anglers. They are the largest tournament trail out there for the weekend angler and they run their tournaments the way the fishermen want. Those weekend anglers are the ultimate end users of our products – including ATLAS™ hydraulic jack plates, HOT FOOT™ throttles, and the OXYGENATOR™ livewell oxygen system. We are happy to that our sponsorship of American Bass Anglers we will be supporting the lifestyle and the bass tournaments the weekend bass angler loves to compete in,” said Jeff Huntley, President, T-H Marine.
To learn more about T-H Marine and their products visit WWW.THMARINE.COM and to learn more about Atlas Awards visit WWW.THMARINE.COM/ATLASAWARDS .