Soft Plastics Under Attack?! Yes! Act Now To Stop The Ban On Soft Baits!
Can you believe that soft plastic fishing lures have come under attack now!?! Please join the fight to protect our sport. It starts in Maine, but it will spread to Alabama, Florida, the Carolinas and beyond if we don’t help our neighbors to the north stomp out this ignorance. Click the link and click to join the petition. It’s that easy – 2 CLICKS!
These fish fell for soft baits. Don’t lose the right to use the time-tested lures.
Dear Fellow Anglers,
During the last few weeks we at KeepAmericaFishing™ sent out emails regarding a bill in Maine that would ban the use of all soft baits. This legislation is now going to a working session of the Maine Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. In order to show just how many anglers across the country are concerned by this bill we ask that you sign our petition in a show of solidarity. This petition will be presented to the Committee so that they can see that banning soft baits not only affects their own residents and anglers but also anglers nationwide.
By signing the petition you are telling the Committee that you “do not approve of unfounded bans on soft baits. Arbitrarily banning widely used tackle such as this would have a tremendous impact on everyone from individual anglers to tackle manufacturers to state wildlife management agencies that protect our resources. Further study must be conducted and decisions must be based on sound science.”
Join us on this issue. Whether Maine is far from you – or near – what happens there could happen in your state as well. Sign the petition today.
Here’s to tightlines,
Gordon Robertson