Reticulated Siren…..Will we see imitation lures soon?

Florida and Alabama have much in common.

The two states share a border, a sea, a passion for football and fishing, and, now, a monster.

Meet the Reticulated Siren.

David Steen, Ph.D. shared via Twitter – “Big News: Excited to finally introduce the Reticulated Siren, a “new” species of salamander I have been working to describe since 2009. It lives in Alabama & Florida & at nearly two feet long is one of the biggest amphibians in the world.”

Lure makers are sure to start selling Reticulated Siren imitators soon! Look for them in the trunks of cars at boat ramps before club tourney blast-offs all over the Heart of Dixie and the Sunshine State!


Author Vance McCullough is an avid Outdoorsman and Football Coach from Jacksonville, Florida. You can Follow Vance here on Facebook or here on Instagram.