Okeechobee May Fish ‘a Little Tough’ For Bay Area Bassmasters Classic
Fishing is probably going to be a little tough for the Bay Area Bassmasters Classic on Lake Okeechobee this weekend, said Bay Area Bassmast President Tom Mahoney.
“I think some of the tournaments on Okeechobee the last few weeks have not had the catches they normally have this time of year,” Mahoney said. “We’ve got a front moving in right on top of us and the water is very high, up in the grass, so I think it’s going to be a little tougher than anticipated.”
The water level is about 4 feet higher than normal, he said, which means it has flooded back in areas that have not seen any water since last summer.
“I think the fish will be up in that stuff, places where there normally is 6 inches of water that now have 3 to 4 feet of water on them,” he said. “I may be completely wrong, but I am going to try shallow and if that does not work I will be chasing them elsewhere.”
Mahoney said 35 teams have qualified to fish the Classic Saturday and Sunday and everyone who catches a fish will get a check of some size, plus they are compensated for one night’s lodging since it’s a two-day tournament.
“It’s a two-man team format and we have husband and wife teams, father-son teams, brothers, friends fishing together, a lot of great people fishing it.”
He explained that 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will earn bonus money, but Sunday will also be a payday for almost everyone under their unique Classic payback system.
“Everybody will be fishing for the number of pounds of fish we catch,” he said. “Our Classic pot is about $10,000 and we divide that by the total number of pounds weighed in and give that back to the anglers. We pay by the pound. If you catch a fish you get a check – and for some guys that is the only check they get all year. If you don’t get a check, then you get ribbed pretty good until next year.”
Jeff Crandon and Dan Richardson claimed the points title with an outstanding year on the trail, that included nine top 10s in the 10-tournament series, with three wins and three 2nds.
The Bay Area Bassmasters, Florida’s largest B.A.S.S. Nation club, conducts the nation’s largest B.A.S.S. Nation “Buddy Team” tournament trail to provide anglers of all levels and ages experience in tournament fishing.
“A lot of guys fish opens on their favorite body of water, but don’t get to spend a lot of time there,” Mahoney said. “In the club format, ours or somebody elses, anglers can fish a wide variety of waters against other anglers and learn local ways of fishing. It is the best way to progress as a bass fisherman.”
Bay Area Bassmasters Classic
Nov 8-9
Lake Okeechobee
Roland and Mary Ann Martin’s Marina
Call 813-363-5961