New Years Fishing Resolutions – What are you Wanting to Improve?
Story & Photo Courtesy of Luke Estel
Another year, another fishing season.
I myself have made some New Year resolutions. My wife has made some for me also.
Her number one resolution for me is to start being more romantic. Apparently I lack in that department. I told her I would try, but no guarantees.
Every year people try to do something different or change something that they did in the previous year. I have made myself a list for this year that I will try to conquer for the upcoming fishing season.
1. Be more versatile.
We all say it every year but do we really do it? I like to think I try but the majority of the time I fall back on my old habits. To be competitive now a days, a fisherman must know how to catch fish every way necessary in any condition. This is a never ending learning process. For me it would be jerk baits, shakey heads, and punching mats. To me, those techniques bore me. I can catch fish on all of them but I would much rather throw something else. So this year I decided to start early and took the boat out to the lake January 1st and fished a suspended jerkbait. I could lie and tell you I caught several but in reality I never had a bite, but at least I went. I am typically not a cold weather fisherman but this year I will make an attempt to do more of it.
2. Learn to read my units.
I know how to read side scan and all that but I am not “Chopper” good. My partner, Chopper, is one of the best I have ever seen. In fact, I let him run the boat when we are out looking for fish offshore. It’s time for me to learn for myself. I have watched him drive over an area, throw a marker buoy out, tell me there are three big fish there, and proceed to catch two of them. That’s impressive! So this year I will be doing a lot more sitting in the driver seat.
3. Practice more.
When it comes to big tournaments, I definitely put in the time, but when it comes to local tournaments, I hardly even go before the event. Since I fish the same lakes over and over, I sometimes trick myself into believing that I am good enough just to go out and catch them the day of. Well, I am not which usually results in me not getting a check. Not going to happen anymore. If I am going to get my butt kicked, I am going to go out swinging.
4. Have more fun.
In the last several years I have changed the way I fish. I tend not to worry about it as much as I used to. Of course I still get excited at blast off but I don’t act like it’s the end of the world if I don’t cash a check or if I lose a big bass. This year I am going to expand on that. Sometimes I take for granted on how lucky I really am to be able to do what I do. No, I am not a professional and no, I don’t plan or want to be one either. This year I want to help fishermen that are struggling and teach them to relax and have fun. After all, isn’t this why we do it? It’s Just Fishing!
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Please be safe on the water. Help your fellow competitors out. Enjoy what God gave us. Relax and have fun. See you all on the water.