Neil And Tim Huffstefler Win The 6Th Annual Toys For Tots On Lake Murray-Full Results And Pics Here!
6th Annual Lake Murray Toys for Tots Champs
Tim and Neil hold up their winning check!
6th Annual “Mr. Lake Murray” & Toys for Tots
A cool morning and blue skies were the order of the day for the Mr. Lake Murray Open Bass tournament run by The Bass Federation of South Carolina (TBF)
The partnership this year with the Marines “Toys for Tots” program was a big success with abundant toys and cash donations from the anglers. It’s always good to give something back to those less fortunate and the Marines program is a great way of doing just that.
In all it was a pretty good day of fishing with 23 limits of 5 bass each being weighed in. The winning team for the second time in this event was Neil and Tim Huffstefler of Pomaria at 22.75 lbs. They anchored there catch with the Big Bass of the day that weighed 6.34 lbs. Rounding out the top five places were Paul Selle & Gabe Fogle 20.16 lbs. Rhett Manus & Doug Lown 20.06 lbs. Chris Epting & Johnny Mayer 17.94 lbs. Dean Chapman 17.86 lbs.
TBF of SC would like to thank all that participated in making this event a success and also Dreher Island State Park for the use of their facilities.
For more information on fishing please visit