JAYSON KISSELBURG & DEAN GOLMAN WIN THE 2019 TTZ CHAMPIONSHIP WITH A 2 DAY TOTAL OF 41.91 LBS AND TAKE HOME OVER $30,000September 24, 2019|In Featured, RESULTS|By AnglersChannel SHARE THIS POSTQuestions, comments, or feedback?[email protected]You may also like... Ryan Armstrong Leads Wire-to-Wire, Wins Tackle Warehouse Invitational Stop 1 at the Kissimmee Chain Presented by VOSKER Lowen lifts second Elite trophy with narrow St. Johns victory Despite slower third day, Lowen stays on top at St. Johns River Magical day lifts Lowen to St. Johns lead Illinois Pro Ryan Armstrong takes Day 1 Lead at Tackle Warehouse Invitational Stop 1 at the Kissimmee Chain Presented by VOSKER Bassmaster Elite Qualifier at Pickwick Lake relocates to Wheeler Lake