Grigsby Honored and Humbled by Bass Fishing Hall of Fame Induction

Photo Credit  Courtesy Ronnie Moore  – BASS


Shaw Grigsby was inducted to the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame Thursday night. After decades as a touring bass pro with multiple wins to his credit and a his own long-running TV show, where does this accomplishment rank for Grigsby? “Probably the greatest accomplishment I have when it comes to fishing. That’s a huge honor.

“And then to go into the Wonders of Wildlife Museum and there’s a plaque there . . . it was just awesome. It was an incredible evening and an incredible honor and, you know, I’m kind of stunned by the whole deal.”

Asked to recount some favorite memories from the career that earned him HOF recognition, Grigsby said, “There are tons of them. Of course, every win was really, really special and the older you get the more cherished they are. The last win, at Harris Chain, was really exceptional. I remember individual fish. That’s what’s really cool about the sport – how it impresses little details on you that you’ll remember the rest of your life. Whether you’re fishing a tournament or fishing with your grandkids, you’re making memories that will stick with you.”

So what was it like when Grigsby learned he would be inducted? “Steve Bowman told me ‘they had the vote and you’re in’. I was like, ‘oh my gosh’! It was really cool.”

As for the new Wonders of Wildlife Museum? “Incredible,” giggled Grigsby. I bought tickets for my whole family and it was simply amazing. My grandson had a blast. I had a blast. You just have to see it.”

Grigsby was especially enamored of the wall which depicted all of the presidents who liked to fish. “I would pay to go back again tomorrow.”

Such a high caliber museum is an appropriate place to display a plaque that commemorates the career of an angler who has added so much history, so much goodness to our sport. Congratulations Shaw Grigsby.


Author Vance McCullough is an avid Outdoorsman and Football Coach from Jacksonville, Florida. You can Follow Vance here on Facebook or here on Instagram.