Fishing Getting Better And Better In Time For Tom’s Marine Team Trail Tournament On Douglas Lake
Gary Pilkenton, who with his teammate, Denny Turner, finished fourth in points in 2010 on the Tom’s Marine Team Trail, has served notice that this is his year on Douglas and Cherokee Lakes.
Pinkelton and Turner won the first Tom’s Marine Team Trail of 2011 March 26 on Cherokee Lake and they won the April 2010 tournament on Douglas Lake. On April 9 Pilkenton finished second in the WalMart BFL Tournament on Douglas Lake by a scant 2 ounces.
“Gary was one of the two anglers who weigh in 20-pound stringers so he is looking to be the one to beat,” said Richard McMaster Tom’s Marine tournament director. “They are definitely on the fish.”
Pinkleton and Turner have another team nipping at their heels. Lee Varner and Travis Anderson have been strong last year and so far this year, having finished second in the first tournament March 26 by less than a pound. Varner and Anderson, who won the March 2010 tournament, finished fourth in the points in 2009.
McMaster said fishing is beginning to really pick up on Douglas Lake in time for the Tom’s Marine Tournament this Saturday. It took 11 pounds to even get a check in the BFL tournament a week ago.
“I fished a tournament Saturday and won it with 14 pounds. The fish are going into the spawning flats and some fish are already being seen on the beds so there probably will be some sight fishing Saturday.”
Other than sight fishing, McMaster said the main baits probably will be Rat-L-Traps, Carolina rigs and Texas-rigged lizards and there will be some flipping in the bushes and flooded willow trees.
“After the recent rains the water level is up 8 to 10 feet and because of those rains there is a lot of trash in the water so I can’t stress enough that fishermen need to be careful on the water Saturday. I am really concerned about people hitting floating logs and other stuff in the water.”
McMaster said the first tournament March 26 was a huge success, with 166 boats entered.
“I was really tickled with that turnout, considering the economy and gas prices. I’d love to see an increase in boats for the second tournament, but usually the second tournament has a few less boats. Anything over 150 boats will be absolutely great with these tough economic times we are going through.”
The Tom’s Marine Trail has plenty of incentives to bring the fishermen out, he noted.
“I want to thank Ranger Boats for being involved in the trail. Without Ranger Boats and the Jefferson County and Morristown Chambers of Commerce the tournament trail would not be possible.”
Among new angler incentives for this year are:
– Tom’s Customer Cash. Anglers who win one of the trail tournaments this year while fishing in a 2006 or newer model Ranger purchased from Tom’s Marine will win an additional $500.
– Porter’s Tires and Yokohama. Any team with Yokohama tires on their tow vehicle that wins a Tom’s Marine tournament this year will get a $100 bonus.
– Lunker Sauce Catch Program. The angler who catches the tournament lunker and has Lunker Sauce in his boat wins $100 extra.
– Ranger Cup and Tom’s Marine. A registered Ranger Cup winner in a tournament will earn an additional $1,000 or the highest finishing non-winner will get $250.
– Lowrance Electronics. If they are already running Lowrance Electronics on their boats, the top two finishers in each tournament will be eligible to buy new Lowrance Electronics for their boat at special VIP pricing.
“Yokohama Tires and Porter’s Tire Store are new sponsors this year and they have really helped improve our incentives for 2011,” McMaster said.
In addition to the Ranger Cup, the trail also offers these manufacturers’ programs: Stratos 2X, Triton Gold, Skeeter Real Money and Bass Pro Shops Tournament Rewards.
Entry Fee is $110 per regular tournament with $10 of that going to lunker pot. At least 90 percent of entry fees and 100 percent of the lunker pot is paid back at ramp at each event. Both a lunker largemouth and lunker smallmouth prize will be given at each tournament. If no smallmouth are caught 1st and 2nd largemouth will be paid equally.
Following this Saturday, the schedule includes: May 7, Douglas Lake; May 28, Cherokee Lake; June 18, Douglas Lake (night tournament); July 16, Cherokee Lake (night tournament); Sept. 10, Cherokee Lake; Oct. 1, Douglas Lake; and the Classic Oct. 29-30, one day on Cherokee Lake and one day on Douglas Lake.
Tom’s Marine Team Trail
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Douglas Lake
Shady Grove Access