Martens Takes Over Lead At Bassmaster Elite Series On West Point Lake
Day 1 leader Keith Combs dropped to 4th place today when he brought 7 pounds, 4 ounces to the weigh in.
He will try to take the lead back tomorrow but, as was the case last month on Falcon Lake, Rick Clunn is close behind.
Clunn’s 2nd day heroics are 20 pounds lighter on West Point than they were on Falcon. Still, his14 pound sack is nearly double what he had yesterday and the 8 anglers ahead of him are liable to get caught by the 67-year-old bass fishing icon.
With 21-11, Clunn is 3 pounds, 3 ounces off the lead. It may take 2 days to catch up to that deficit on West Point Lake this week. It’s not that there are no big fish in the lake. The guys have seen plenty of them. But after practice ended the waters rose and fish are hard to find.
Aaron Martens took the top spot for today. With a limit that weighed 11-9 he has a 2-day total of 24-14. Martens said he caught two bedding bass today.
And Martens is about to give the shirt off his back for charity. The Georgia Bulldog-colored jersey (the tourney is in Georgia, after all) goes up for auction on eBay once this tournament concludes. Martens will need it for at least one more day. Randy Howell is doing the same thing with his jersey on eBay and noted that his is colored in a Georgia Tech scheme.
Greg Vinson, one ounce behind Martens, is 2nd for the 2nd day in a row. He has cut his deficit from 4 ounces to 1. That’s a positive trend.
Tommy Biffle climbed a couple of notches to 3rd with only 4 fish today. He only had 4 yesterday. With a total weight of 23-3 for 8 fish, Biffle is on the right size bass. Now if he can bag 5 tomorrow and the next day . . .
Skeet Reese is having a good tourney. He rounds out the top 5 with 22-10.
Ed Evers rode the day’s biggest bag (14-6) to the #7 spot.
Casey Ashley had the 3rd-heaviest weight today with 13-8. That moved him to 6th.
A single big fish counts for a lot this week.
Hank Cherry professed his love of jerkbaits on stage, admitting that they are his primary weapon this week and noting that an influx of dirty water has made them less effective as the tourney has continued. His weight was down three-and-a-half pounds from yesterday, at 8-12, but with a total of 21-even, his is 15th, safely inside the 50 cut and will, therefore, fish tomorrow.
Andy Montgomery got 5 bites today and turned them into his 2nd straight 10-pound effort. With 20-9 he is in 17th and will fish tomorrow.
Bass are shallow. Ish Monroe confirmed there is a frog bite going on. He plans to gain ground in the Angler of the Year race with his Snag Proof Ish’s Phat Frog on Saturday. “It got a little slow today. Tomorrow I’m going to chuck the heck out of it.” He needs a big to keep the pressure on the frontrunners.
Check out entire leaderboard here: