North Carolina Bass Trail #4 – Lookout Shoals – Apr 13, 2013

This tournament was held on Lookout Shoals Lake on April 13, 2013. Jeremy Baity and Rob Wright took 1st place with 20lbs-13 ozs! Finishing in 2nd place was Butch Zadlo and Brian Lewis. They brought 20lbs-4ozs to the scales, including a Big Fish that weighed 8lbs-6ozs.

3rd place went to Brent White with 19lbs-9ozs.

Next up will be Lake Hickory/Whittenburg ramp May 4th. This will be an open tournament! Please spread the word if you can – we could use a lot of boats at Hickory. This should be an awesome event. Registration starts at 5:30am, all money paid back except $10 which goes to the championship. We will also be drawing for some nice prizes.