Texas Team Trail Partners With Protect The Harvest


NORMAN, Okla. (April 4, 2013) — The Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela’s will partner with Protect the Harvest (protecttheharvest.com) to help reach American farmers, ranchers and outdoorsmen in 2013. Started by Lucas Oil founder Forrest Lucas, Protect the Harvest was organized to bring a collective voice to American farmers who have recently come under fire from radical animal rights organizations trying to interfere with their way of life.

“We feel honored to partner with Protect the Harvest and Forrest Lucas,” said Mike Hastings, tournament director. “We’re proud to help raise awareness of the issues and do what we can to preserve the way of life so many farmers, along with anglers and outdoorsmen, hold dear.”

Lucas, who drove trucks in the Midwest before co-founding Lucas Oil with his wife Charlotte, knows how vital agriculture and ranching are to the American economy. He was called to action when one group in particular, the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) came to Missouri, a state where Lucas raises cattle.

“The HSUS claims they are about animal welfare, but they are not,” Lucas said. “They don’t support animal shelters or any organizations like that. They tried to pass a puppy mill law that was worded so vaguely that these regulations would have effected more than illegal pet breeders, it would have also covered honest, hard-working people raising chickens, cattle and pigs.”

“Our focus is on educating America on what’s really happening out there and I’m happy to say that the word is spreading fast,” Lucas continued. “We will continue to safeguard American agriculture as long as the need is there.”

The Texas Team Trail, designed exclusively for team competition, recently kicked off the 2013 season on Sam Rayburn Lake. The schedule includes four qualifying events, plus a year-end championship, taking place on legendary Falcon Lake, October 12-13. Registration for the upcoming Ray Roberts event is already underway. Anglers can secure an opportunity to win a free Minn Kota Talon shallow water anchor by registering before midnight on Thursday, April 4.

Anglers with questions or anyone interested in more details on the event are encouraged to visit www.texasteamtrail.com or call 210-788-4143.

2013 Scheduled Events

March 2 – Sam Rayburn Lake
April 6 – Ray Roberts Lake
May 4 – Belton Lake
June 1 – Cedar Creek Lake

Championship – October 12-13 – Falcon Lake