Anglers Will Be Fishing Around Duck Decoys In Aba Florida Seminole Division Tournament Sunday

Anglers in the American Bass Anglers Florida Seminole Division may be competing with duck hunters for the same real estate during the ABA tournament Sunday on Lake Seminole. It’s duck season, the aquatic grass is as prolific as it has been in years and the ducks are flying everywhere on Seminole.

“The grass has really topped out from last year,” said Mitchell Oldnettle, Seminole Division tournament director. We had a really warm winter and the grass grew a lot this summer. People say this is the most grass they have seen in years and it has really helped the duck hunters.”

Mitchell said it has been rainy and windy all week, but weather reports are calling for temperatures to warm by Saturday. By Sunday temperatures are predicted in the 73-74-degree range with a 40 percent chance of rain.

“So you’d better bring all your cold weather stuff, your warm weather stuff and your rainy weather stuff,” he chuckled. “We are looking for a good turnout. We had 22 for the first Seminole tournament and we are expecting at least 24 or 25 for this tournament.”

Oldnettle said he has heard anglers on Seminole are starting to catch some really quality fish.

“Last month they were still flipping in the grass but guys are starting to catch some on the Alabama Rig and Rat-L-Traps. As the water temperature cools fishing will get a lot better,” he said.

Meantime, this weekend they will still have to contend with the duck hunters, he added.

“It’s still duck season so the hunters will block all the points with their decoys. They are shooting before we take off in the mornings, but everybody seems to get along with no problems.”

ABA tournaments are a draw format with partners paired the morning of the event. Boaters who bring their own boat will be able to use them. Boaters and non-boaters share locations and expenses for the day, but the boater does not give up operation of his boat.

Anglers are fishing for points to qualify for the national championship and they must fish four divisional qualifying events and one divisional championship to qualify for the national championship. They can earn points in more than one division to qualify for the national, but angler of the year points are held in each division so AOY champions are named in each division. In the national championship they will be fishing for a new Triton bass boat.

Entry fees are $70 for a divisional qualifier (includes big bass), $140 for a divisional championship (includes big bass) and $150 for the national championship (does not include big bass). ABA tournaments are Triton Gold sanctioned events, so there is plenty of bonus money to be won for qualified anglers.

After Saturday’s tournament, the schedule includes: Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 29-30, all on Lake Seminole out of Seminole Lodge.

American Bass Anglers – Florida Seminole Division

Sun, Dec 16, 2012

Lake Seminole

Seminole Lodge

Call Mitchell Oldnettle at (850) 376-2628