Warm Weather Stymies Fish And Fishermen In Wylie Catt Trail Tournaments

Brett Collins was hoping for some real winter chill to sneak in this week and perhaps wake up the bass in Lake Wylie, but with springlike temperatures predicted through the weekend, anglers could still be scratching their heads after the fourth Lake Wylie CATT Trail Division tournament Saturday.

“Fishing has really been tough on Lake Wylie this fall,” Collins said. “Who knows what’s going on? Some of the best fishermen on the lake are struggling and can’t figure the bass out.”

Collins said first place at the majority of tournaments this fall is taking 11 or 12 pounds at the most and a bass over 3 pounds is a huge catch.

“For whatever reason the bait did not move to the backs of the coves like they normally do in the fall. Very few fish are seen schooling in the coves this fall. Some anglers think it’s a lack of rain that usually gives the water some color, but the guys who are fishing out deep are not doing any better than the ones who are fishing shallow.”

As a result of the poor fishing participation in the fall trail has been off, Collins said.

“The fish are in hiding and this is probably going to be one of the lowest Wylie Fall Trails as far as participation goes. We’ve never seen the lake fish this tough and that no doubt is the cause for the low turnout.”

Collins said Tom Russell and Doug Gilmer, who have won two of the qualifiers so far this fall, are leading the points. They have also won a couple of finals over the years so they are probably odds on favorites to take the points title. The Lake Wylie Final will be held Dec. 15.

“Maybe the fish will be easier to find, but for now it’s a job just to catch a limit,” said Collins who announced that he is increasing the Spring Final first place guarantee to $3,000.

Collins also issued a plea for anglers and anyone else to donate to CATT Babies, a CATT Trail charity created to provide financial support to children in need in the Carolinas.

“Men and women who fish are some of the most generous people you will meet. CATT’s total membership is more than 2,500 anglers in the Carolinas and we’ve decided to tap into the CATT ‘army’ to help out children in South Carolina and North Carolina who are in need,” Collins said,.

Anglers can make a donation while participating in any CATT event, he said, and checks may also be sent to: CATT BABIES, P.O. Box 368, Ridgeway, SC 29130.

2012 Fall CATT Trail – Lake Wylie Division

Sat, Dec 8, 2012

Lake Wylie

Buster Boyd


Call Brett Collins at 803.413.7521